Thanks for your interest in Samurai Trading Academy and the STA Training Program. If you have specific questions about the STA Training Program please follow the link above and fill out the form at the bottom of the STA Training Program page to request more information. DO NOT use the general Contact form below as you may need to wait longer for a response.
If you are looking to contact me with marketing opportunities like mailing list exchanges, broker incentive programs, etc. then let me save you a bit of time as these emails get automatically filtered and I most likely won't reply. I only work with a very small group of students and have no interest in building lists, conducting marketing webinars, or anything else to increase our online presence. I'm only interested in collaborative opportunities that are fully educational in nature. Thanks!
Others may use the basic form below to get in touch and I will reply as soon as possible.
Cody Hind
Founder and Head Trader
Samurai Trading Academy