A Thank-You to the STA Students
What a wild ride the last year has been! Seeing the market rise to all-time high after all-time high with some massive volatility in between, living in a number of different cities and countries for months at a time, helping numerous STA traders achieve consistent profitability and seeing some transition into becoming full-time traders themselves… it's certainly been an exciting journey for myself and the student traders at Samurai Trading Academy!
For me personally this has been one of the most rewarding years of my trading career.
I've been in this business for over a decade and my passion still burns bright but there’s something extra special about seeing others achieve their trading goals as well. Seeing students making progress and achieving consistent profitability while taking advantage of the freedom that trading provides brings me an enormous satisfaction that goes far beyond what my own trading business offers.
I know how difficult it is to pursue something new like trading, to take the chance and put in the time to develop a new career skill. I've been through that process myself and have been through the various ups and downs along the way but it was certainly worth the effort.
Over the past few years I've had the amazing experience of trading from over a dozen countries from a variety of locales like day trading Emini S&P 500 futures from the Shinkansen bullet train speeding along at hundreds of kilometres per hour between Tokyo and Kyoto, conducting our Live Training classes for the STA Training Program from my balcony looking out at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia, or trading from my local coffee shop first thing in the morning before heading out to scuba dive the rest of the day in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Looking back at all of this makes me realize just how lucky I've been to make trading my career focus but ultimately it's just a small part of what brings me satisfaction in this business.
Travel is a great thing and having time and location freedom is something I truly cherish but I find that what matters most to me these days is seeing the continued growth of the small group of traders I personally work with at STA. It seems like not so many years ago that I was asking myself if teaching in any capacity was something I was really willing to take on but I'm glad I made the decision to do so. It's been a lot of work and time but the satisfaction when you see a student make it and achieve their trading goals is very special.
I'm sure any other person in a coaching or teaching capacity would tell you the same thing - the students make all the effort worthwhile!
So with that said I just wanted to take the chance to put this post together and say a quick thank-you to all the great people I've been able to work with in the past year! I've enjoyed being a part of your successes, took pride in your ongoing development and the effort you've put into the process, was honoured by your kind words in testimonials for STA, and I feel very lucky to have shared in your passion for trading each and every day.
I've found working with my select group of STA traders to be a hugely rewarding endeavour because I learn so much from each of you on a constant basis and I hope to continue to build upon our experience and shared success in the months and years ahead! Thanks so much, guys and girls!
- Strike While The Iron is Hot - March 1, 2021
- The Path to Becoming a Full Time Trader - February 22, 2021
- Looking to 2021 and Beyond - January 20, 2021
Thank you for all that you do Cody!! Its so appreciated and I’ve gained so much from this!
is the training you do online? for how long?
Hi Mark. Yes, the STA Training Program is entirely online as this allows me to work with select students from around the world and also gives me the flexibility to conduct our Live Training classes from various countries. The latter is a very important consideration for me since I travel for multiple months every year.
The STA Training Program typically runs for three months though there’s the possibility to extend training if needed or simply because a student enjoys the social aspect and being around other like-minded people. If you want to know more check out the STA Training Program tab above which contains some links with a bunch of info on the program.
I know that the main focus of my training was in 2013 but I saw this post and just wanted to say thanks again for all the help! Hard to believe I spent all that time before your training messing around with different systems and markets and struggling to be profitable. You really made a big difference for me and I truly appreciate it. Many points to you in the years to come! Thanks Cody!
Thanks Kev! I’m glad I was able to help you out on the path to profitability but ultimately your success is something you’ve earned on your own. Hard work, dedication, and desire are what it’s all about and you brought that in spades. Oh, and be sure to get in touch the next time you have a “Ty Moment” since I can always use a good laugh. Haha.